Here, I would like to share some of the fishes that I've kept over the course of the years that I've been in the saltwater hobby.

Mated pair of Amphiprion Bicinctus - Two-Band Clownfish. I acquired this pair of clowns from Premium Aquatics back in 2003 and have been keeping them over 2 years before both died of disease. This pair of fish has spawns many times in the tank.

Clown fish spawning.

Amphiprion Perideraion - Pink-Skunk Clown fish.

Pair of Amphiprion Ocellaris - False Percula Clownfish. I paired these fish when both of them were juveniles. Even though they're paired, they've not spawn in the tank before. I eventually sold them to a local reefer and bought the Black-Footed Clownfish in replacement.

Yellow-Tail Damselfish.

Centropyge Furrugatus - Rusty Pygmy Angelfish.

Cirrhilabrus rubrimarginatus - Female Pink-Margin Wrasse.

Banana Fish.

Apogon leptacanthus - Threadfin Cardinal.

Yellow-Tail Damselfish.

Centropyge Furrugatus - Rusty Pygmy Angelfish.

Cirrhilabrus rubrimarginatus - Female Pink-Margin Wrasse.

Banana Fish.

Apogon leptacanthus - Threadfin Cardinal.

Paranthias colonus - Pacific Creole Fish. This fish was sold to me as an "Unknown" Anthias. Thinking that I can form a harem, I bought 4 of them. After doing some research, I found out that they are Creole fish and they will grow 'big'. And it was true, in less than a month, they've grown from 2.5" to about 5" in length. In the end, I gave all of them to a local reefer who bought my pair of Rose Bubble-Tip Anemone.

Pseudanthias dispar - Dispar Anthias.

Serranus tortugarum - Chalk Bass.

Chelmon rostratus - Copperband Butterfly. I bought this fish to take care of the Aiptasia in my tank. However, I've not find it eating any Aiptasia and it was a finicky eater as well. Eventually, it was harassed to death by the Purple Tang.

Yellow-Purple Wrasse.
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