
Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Coming Soon: BioCube 14

Well, I took the plunge today and purchased an Oceanic BioCube 14 from Ebay. As I'm running out of space in the 58G tank, setting up this nano tank will enable me to move all my zoas/palys, rics/yumas and lps corals into it. I will be able to designate the 58G as a SPS-only tank. I will post more updates once the new nano tank arrives.

from Oceanic website:
The new Oceanic® BioCube has all the necessary components built-in. Spend your time setting up your ideal environment, then plug it in and enjoy the results. It's that simple!
The BioCube features unique, high-quality components including Coralife® lighting and can be used for salt water or fresh water setups.

- Integrated wet/dry biological filtration
- Two Compact Fluorescent Lamps- Lunar Blue, Moon Glow LED Lights
- Dual filter intakes
- one to skim the surface and one on the bottom
- Viewing window for filtration water pump
- Remote ballasts with quick disconnects
- Curved glass front corners- Sealed light lens cover
- UL listed submersible pump with adjustable discharge nozzle

Monday, May 21, 2007

2007 BACFM

I attended the Bay Area Coral Farmers Market at the Hilton Fremont/Newark California Hotel today. Pickup my pre-ordered sps frag from AW-Exotics. I bought another 2 more SPS frags from ReefFarmers and a Montipora Danae from Atlantis Aquarium.
Here are the frags I pickup from BACFM:-

Blue A. Hoeksemai from AW-Exotics.
Bali "Bushy" Acro from ReefFarmers
Green Polyps Blue-Tip Stag from ReefFarmers
Atlantis Sunny Delight Monti Danae

Monday, May 14, 2007

Full Tank Shot...

Here's a full tank shot of my tank as at 5/14/2007...

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Anyone like some "Color Sticks"?

If you fancy some "color sticks", here is my collection of SPS for your enjoyment.
Let's start off with one of my favorite, this is the Karl Candlelight Acro.
Green with Blue-Tip Abrol
One of my latest addition, the ORA Roscoe's Acro.
Green Birdnest grown from a small frag I pickup during the BAR Swap early this year.
LE Tri-Color Acro
Baby-Blue with Pink Tip Acro.
A wild colony bought from the Coral Reef Shop in Sacramento, Purple-Tip Yongei.
Another wild colony from CRS, Pink-Tip A. Nasuta.
Another of my favorite, this is the Ultimates Purple Bonsai from Rommel.
Pink Claratha from TFP.
Atlantis Exuisita
This wild colony was collected in Indonesia at a point closest to Australia. This coral is teal/green with blue tips. The coralites are long; very similar to the Acropora echinata (from
Purple-Tip A. Nana
LE Ponape Birdnest
Blue Polyps Pink Stylopora
Acropora Pink Jade Stoddarti

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

In Memories of My Fishes...

Here, I would like to share some of the fishes that I've kept over the course of the years that I've been in the saltwater hobby.

Mated pair of Amphiprion Bicinctus - Two-Band Clownfish. I acquired this pair of clowns from Premium Aquatics back in 2003 and have been keeping them over 2 years before both died of disease. This pair of fish has spawns many times in the tank.

Clown fish spawning.

Amphiprion Perideraion - Pink-Skunk Clown fish.

Pair of Amphiprion Ocellaris - False Percula Clownfish. I paired these fish when both of them were juveniles. Even though they're paired, they've not spawn in the tank before. I eventually sold them to a local reefer and bought the Black-Footed Clownfish in replacement.

Yellow-Tail Damselfish.

Centropyge Furrugatus - Rusty Pygmy Angelfish.

Cirrhilabrus rubrimarginatus - Female Pink-Margin Wrasse.

Banana Fish.

Apogon leptacanthus - Threadfin Cardinal.

Paranthias colonus - Pacific Creole Fish. This fish was sold to me as an "Unknown" Anthias. Thinking that I can form a harem, I bought 4 of them. After doing some research, I found out that they are Creole fish and they will grow 'big'. And it was true, in less than a month, they've grown from 2.5" to about 5" in length. In the end, I gave all of them to a local reefer who bought my pair of Rose Bubble-Tip Anemone.

Pseudanthias dispar - Dispar Anthias.

Serranus tortugarum - Chalk Bass.

Chelmon rostratus - Copperband Butterfly. I bought this fish to take care of the Aiptasia in my tank. However, I've not find it eating any Aiptasia and it was a finicky eater as well. Eventually, it was harassed to death by the Purple Tang.

Yellow-Purple Wrasse.