King of the tank...the Red Sea Purple Tang. This fish is about 5" in length and has been a resident in this tank for almost a year now. It was about 2" when I acquired him. He is the most aggressive fish in the tank and also the most shy among all the fish.

This is a Lavender Tang, one of the very first fish I acquired when I upgraded from my old 20G tank.

Carbon-Striped Cardinals. I bought a group of eight to form a schools, after about one year I'm left with only a single fish. :-(

Amphiprion Nigripes also known as the Black-Footed Clown fish. Not a common clown fish that you can find in the store, she is the second aggresive fish in the tank after the Purple Tang. Due to limited tank's space, I've to sold the two Rose Bubble-Tip anemone which she housed. She is always defending her territory from other fish which trespass into her area.

Orange-Spotted Goby. This guy has make his home in a hole underneath the rock work. He can always be seen at the front of his home and occasionally venturing out to the open space.

Bangaii Cardinalfish, this is only surviving of the two baby Bangaii that I acquired from a local reefer. This spectacular Cardinalfish is only found in the Bangaii Island, off Sulawesi.

This is one of the four female Lyretail Anthias from the harem that I have which consists of another male.

Spotted Mandarin. He has finally started eating frozen mini-mysis shrimp. Even though I know that my tank would have enough pods for him to survive, now that he is eating frozen prepared food, I'm sure there are enough food now to fulfill his appetite.

These Candy Cane Wrasses are my latest addition into the tank. This is the first time I saw them available at the fish store and I couldn't resist myself from buying two of them. Their coloration is pretty stunning, just like the candy cane sweets we have during Christmas. Like most wrasses, they bury themselves under the sand bed.
Tridacnid Clams:

Tridacna Crocea.

Blue-Rimmed Tridacna Derasa, this clam has grown to about 5" from a mere 2" when I first acquired it.

One of my favorite, this is a Tridacna Maxima. This is the most expensive clam among the four clams that I have.

Lastly, another beautiful Tridacna Maxima. This is my latest addition (4/21/07), this clam is about 5" in length. Acquired it at a bargain price too. :-)

Dr. Cleaner Shrimp. This is one of the two shrimp that I've managed to pair them. Occasionally, you can see them carrying eggs underneath. They are active cleaners that perform their cleaning duties on the fishes.
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